Friday, April 2, 2010

Ghost Walk at the Arts Centre

Did you know that Christchurch has its very own Ghost Walk? No? Well, you do now.

For $20 you can join a small group, hosted by "Dr Aloysius Mort", and take in the hidden secrets of the neo-gothic Arts Centre at night.

Being as the Ghost Walk is put on by the Court Theatre, a part of you KNOWS that the ghosts aren't really real, it's all a big show... but ooooh! It's actually really quite creepy, although I think that the suspense and drama of the event is more to blame for us jumping at our own shadows than any real ghosts!

You learn a huge amount of history (true? embellished? I'm not sure) about the Arts Centre and you get to go "behind the scenes" into places that the general public usually don't get to see.

NOT recommended for children - teenagers would probably be fine though. There is a fair amount of walking up and down winding staircases, so it's not so good for people with mobility problems.

Like any show that involves a small group of participants, the type of group you end up with on the night can make or break your experience. On the night I went I was lucky - we had a nice group of around 8 people, and they were all very excitable and squealed loudly at times, which ramped the suspense and excitability levels up for the rest of us. A friend went on a different night - they were in a larger group of about 15 people, with a couple of boorish sceptics who spent the whole time muttering loudly about how this is all made up and wasn't really real. Grrrrr! (Well, why the hell did you waste your $20 and spoil it for the rest of us!?)

For something different, a Ghost Walk is really very cool.

Book at the Court Theatre website, or you can phone them on 963 0870. You can also book through the i-Site Visitor's Centre in Cathedral Square. Tours take about 1 hour 20 mins, and run on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday nights - 8.01pm in winter, 9.01pm in summer.

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